How do I get the latest reviews for a review profile?

Many use cases involve continuously checking a given review profile for new reviews, and you can determine how frequently we check for new reviews by adding new jobs for a given review profile. As an example, if you need to get reviews from a given review profile on a daily basis, you simply add that review profile to our API once per day. Each time you add this review profile, you are assigned a new job ID, which is how you can identify each individual scrape job.

There are several parameters that can help you receive only the latest reviews from your previous job. For example, you can use the from_date parameter to only receive reviews from a specific date in time. The downside with this parameter is that it could miss reviews depending on the timing of your job and when a review is left. A more accurate alternative would be to use our diff parameter instead, which uses algorithms on our side to determine the latest reviews since a previous job.

Below is a brief diagram showing how this diff functionality works in practice.

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