

  • Not all profiles are supported. We currently support the group directory and 3 different doctor profiles such as physician, providers, and dentist.
  • The review URL per review is not available.

Supported URL formats:

Supported Metadata

  • For profiles:
    • Doctor profile - personnel name, rating count, address, phone number, latitude and longitude


{\"name\":\"Dr. Jerome Pittman, MD\",\"ratings_count\":4,\"address\":\"9808 Venice Blvd Ste 602 , Culver City, CA 90232\",\"country\":\"USA\",\"street\":\"9808 Venice Blvd Ste 602 \",\"city\":\"Culver City\",\"region\":\"California\",\"zipcode\":\"90232\",\"phone\":\"(310) 559-8000\",\"latitude\":\"34.023403\",\"longitude\":\"-118.397881\"}
    • For group directory - personnel name, rating count, address, phone number, latitude and longitude


{\"name\":\"Middle Tennessee Vascular\",\"ratings_count\":4,\"address\":\"4601 Carothers Pkwy Ste 375, Franklin TN, 37067\",\"street\":\"4601 Carothers Pkwy Ste 375\",\"city\":\"Franklin\",\"region\":\"TN\",\"zipcode\":\"37067\",\"phone\":\"(615) 791-4790\",\"latitude\":\"35.919788\",\"longitude\":\"-86.817207\"}

Meanwhile, here's a sample JSON using the reviews endpoint for reference:

    "success": true,
    "status": 200,
    "job_id": 671294609,
    "source_url": "",
    "source_name": "healthgrades",
    "place_id": null,
    "external_identifier": null,
    "meta_data": "{\"name\":\"Dr. Jerome Pittman, MD\",\"ratings_count\":4,\"address\":\"9808 Venice Blvd Ste 602 , Culver City, CA 90232\",\"country\":\"USA\",\"street\":\"9808 Venice Blvd Ste 602 \",\"city\":\"Culver City\",\"region\":\"California\",\"zipcode\":\"90232\",\"phone\":\"(310) 559-8000\",\"latitude\":\"34.023403\",\"longitude\":\"-118.397881\"}",
    "unique_id": "37BS5",
    "review_count": 3,
    "average_rating": 4.0,
    "last_crawl": "2024-04-08",
    "crawl_status": "complete",
    "percentage_complete": 100,
    "result_count": 3,
    "credits_used": 7,
    "from_date": null,
    "blocks": null,
    "reviews": [
            "id": 20936628791,
            "name": "J Ramos ",
            "date": "2022-05-11",
            "rating_value": 5.0,
            "review_text": "I was a bit nervous coming in for my sons appointment but the process was so easy. I had a great experience and grateful for the friendly staff and simple step by step directions. Dr. Pittman took his time answered all my questions. Highly recommend! ",
            "url": null,
            "profile_picture": null,
            "location": null,
            "review_title": null,
            "verified_order": false,
            "reviewer_title": null,
            "language_code": null,
            "unique_id": "358cf0cf-f8d2-46a6-991f-b9fe3c09f502",
            "meta_data": "{\"datashake_review_uuid\":\"68180284-82c1-37e8-af2a-bd799806a751\"}"
            "id": 20936628795,
            "name": "Kim Velasco",
            "date": "2022-04-22",
            "rating_value": 5.0,
            "review_text": "My son's procedure went very well with Dr. Pittman. He and his whole staff from the phone scheduler, front desk and assistant were very accommodating & professional. They are all easy to talk to with all my questions. They will follow up after the surgery making sure my son is doing well. Thank you and it was lucky of me to see your website. ",
            "url": null,
            "profile_picture": null,
            "location": null,
            "review_title": null,
            "verified_order": false,
            "reviewer_title": null,
            "language_code": null,
            "unique_id": "f37ced3c-55b5-4708-b8c5-821f94572a61",
            "meta_data": "{\"datashake_review_uuid\":\"a52351e4-e4c8-380a-a6d7-78559ca77b59\"}"
            "id": 20936628798,
            "name": "rabbit in Culver City, CA",
            "date": "2016-09-09",
            "rating_value": 1.0,
            "review_text": "wait was long. too much crying. it scared my children. ",
            "url": null,
            "profile_picture": null,
            "location": "Culver City, CA",
            "review_title": null,
            "verified_order": false,
            "reviewer_title": null,
            "language_code": null,
            "unique_id": "4b78e6b2-9299-4838-8678-f1f1e8bfbc85",
            "meta_data": "{\"datashake_review_uuid\":\"d1ecefb3-b750-36cf-96ae-84b9128cac66\"}"
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