Navigating the Hub and Managing Jobs


Your Hub homepage is where you will find a central view of all your jobs, neatly organized with information about the job and its status. On this page, you can easily manage your job by adding, editing, or deleting individual or multiple jobs for batch removal.

  • Login to your Datashake dashboard and click the Hub to open the homepage where your list of jobs is displayed. From here, you'll find all your jobs listed with relevant information such as name, source, creation date, schedule, integration, and status.
  • The jobs are sorted by most recent, making it easy to locate the latest ones.

Viewing Job details

  • Hover your cursor over the row of the job you'd like to check and double-click the job to get detailed information about it.
  • The Job details page provides comprehensive information about the selected job. This includes the job's name, update frequency, export setting, search criteria, and selected profile list.

Editing, Saving, and Deleting a Job

  • From the Job details view, you will see the option to edit, save, and delete the Job
  • Always make sure to save your changes if you need to change any job settings as such the name or update frequency.
  • If the job is no longer needed, you also have the option to delete it directly from this view.

Deleting Multiple Jobs

  • If you need to remove multiple jobs at once, you can do so from the hub homepage. Simply select the jobs you want to delete and proceed with the deletion process using the delete icon on the upper right side of the homepage, just below the + Add job button.

Jobs with the status "Collecting profiles" or "Collecting reviews" cannot be deleted. Please wait until they change to a different status before attempting to delete them.

Job Statuses

These statuses help track a job's progress and issues, indicating what actions are needed to move the job forward or complete it.

  • Collecting Profiles
    • This is the initial status for a Location and E-commerce job, indicating an ongoing profile discovery. In this phase, the system is actively searching and gathering profiles related to the specified location.

  • Collecting Reviews
    • This is the initial state for a URL job, indicating an ongoing review collection for the URLs submitted through the Hub. E-commerce jobs also go through this status once the product you'd like to scrape has been identified.

  • Search Refinement Needed
    • This status is specific to a Location or E-commerce job. This happens when the profile discovery phase is completed, but further validation and refinement of the collected profiles are needed.
    • At this stage, the job has moved beyond basic data collection. The focus is now on refining the search results to ensure the accuracy and relevancy of the profiles that have been gathered and will be forwarded to the next phase which is review collection.

  • Completed
    • This status signifies the successful completion of both profile and review data collection for a job set up for a one-time collection. This means that all planned data collection tasks have been finished, and no further data gathering will occur under this job.
    • This status confirms the job is complete and the data is ready for final review and use.

  • Scheduled
    • This status acts as the ongoing counterpart to the "Completed" status for jobs that are set up with a recurring cadence.
    • This status means that the job is set up to collect data at regular intervals. After each cycle of data collection, the job will automatically reset to continue collecting data according to its defined schedule.

  • Draft
    • This status means the job has no integration set up.
    • A job with this status means that the job is not yet ready. Integration settings are needed before profile or review collection can start. The job will remain inactive until these are configured.

  • Failed
    • This status indicates an issue that prevented the job from completing the profile discovery or review collection phase.
    • This status alerts you to investigate the problem - like insufficient funds or incorrect job parameters - and fix it before retrying or modifying the job setup.

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