Creating an E-commerce job

This document outlines the steps needed to successfully create an e-commerce job through the Hub.

  1. Login to your Datashake dashboard using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the "Hub" section from the menu.

  3. Click "+ Add Job" to initiate a new job once on the Hub.

  4. Choose your data source. Currently, only review data is available. Select "Reviews" and click "Continue."

    Click "E-commerce" to search for product reviews and click "Continue." Reminder, a subscription to the E-commerce API is needed when using this option.

  5. Set a name for your job and choose your search criteria. You can choose between "Search URL" or "Keywords" when making your search.

    a. For search URL - Add your search URL to the "Insert an Amazon search URL to collect products" to start the profile discovery and don't forget to click "Continue."

    Reminder: For the first iteration, only URLs and and US Geolocation are supported. The other URLs will be supported soon.

    b. For keywords -

  6. A pop-up to remind you about the credit consumption will be displayed. Click "Go Back" to modify your search or "Continue" to proceed. Always make sure you have sufficient credits to prevent your job from failing.

  7. The system will begin searching for profiles based on your criteria. This can take anywhere from seconds to hours, depending on your search parameters and system traffic. Click "Back to Hub" to return to Hub's home page.

  8. The job status on the Hub's homepage will be set to "Collecting profiles" during the product discovery stage and will be updated to "Search refinement needed" once the profiles have been collected and your job is ready for profile search validation.


• The initial profile collection during job creation may take up to 24 hours.

• If you've set up recurring review collection, the new data will be automatically gathered and added to your integration at your chosen frequency.

Please refer to Validating your product search for the succeeding steps.

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